Legal Procedure on Class Action in Thailand : A Case Study Relating to Class Action on Tort


  • Anan Suntiparb Faculty of Law at Rangsit University


Class action, Code of Civil Procedures of Thailand, victims


           This Dissertation aims at studying some important procedural legal aspects of tortious class actions, in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedures of Thailand, and in comparison with those of other counties; and at finding appropriate and effective legal protections for victims of the actions.

            This Dissertation finds that procedural legal aspects of tortious class actions under the Thai law still have several legal lacunas, which comprise, inter alia, notification to the victims, qualification of the plaintiffs, complication of the procedures, protection of the minority victims, and efficacy of the enforcement.

            Consequently, the Code of Civil Procedures of Thailand should be amended to effectively protect the victims.                                                                                     

Keywords: class action; Code of Civil Procedures of Thailand; victims


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How to Cite

Suntiparb, A. (2023). Legal Procedure on Class Action in Thailand : A Case Study Relating to Class Action on Tort. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 13(2), 1–15. retrieved from



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