The credibility of forensic evidence in rape offenses


  • Jugkrit Vorawee Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University,


rape, forensic evidence, criminal justice


     This article is a part of research on “The use of forensic evidence in criminal justice case processing of rape cases”.  Forensic evidence is crucial in proving the facts of a case. However, there are factors affecting the credibility of the evidence namely, (1) the loss and contamination of evidence at the crime scene, (2) the insufficiency of investigation personnel, (3) the delay in the examination of the victim, causing the loss of biological evidence, (4) the misinterpretation of the injury evidence in rape cases,  (5) the lack of clear legal guidline and protocol in weighing forensic evidence  (6) the lack of experienced and knowledgeable personnel working in the justice system (7) the lack of complete DNA database and (8) the negative attitude among criminal justice personnel towards the victim of rape. All of these issues affect the credibility of forensic evidence.


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How to Cite

Vorawee , J. . (2023). The credibility of forensic evidence in rape offenses. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 13(2), 44–59. retrieved from



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