Fairness Principle in the Processing of Alternative Credit Data under the Thai Personal Data Protection Framework


  • Kriengsak Areejitkasame Shanghai University of Finance and Economics


Fairness principle, Non-discrimination, Processing of Alternative Credit Data


The purpose of this research article is to (1) study and review the origin, legal concept and practice of fairness principle in the protection of personal data, (2) examine the criteria and elements in law that determine fairness as applied to the processing of alternative credit data, and (3) analyze and evaluate whether the Thai personal data protection framework properly provides the data subject with fairness in the processing of alternative credit data by employing a qualitative research method and making a comparative analysis with foreign laws, frameworks, guidelines, and relevant cases. This study found that (1) fairness is an important and multifaceted concept of the protection of personal data and fundamental human rights; (2) the current technology and practice regarding the processing of alternative credit data brings the risk of discrimination based on sensitive data and by machine; (3) the Thai Personal Data Protection Act, 2019 (B.E. 2562) has not yet established principle of fairness in the case of alternative credit data processing. This study therefore proposes to establish fairness principle in the personal data protection law to ensure that the data subject's decision is immune from unfair treatment or discrimination, by human or machine, even after giving consent.


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How to Cite

Areejitkasame, K. (2023). Fairness Principle in the Processing of Alternative Credit Data under the Thai Personal Data Protection Framework. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 14(1), 1–22. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawhcu/article/view/266295



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