Development of activities to strengthen the mental strength of youth Sacred Heart Foundation Baan Suan Phraharuthai Lampang


  • Pornthip Kanthu Faculty of Social work and social welfare, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Development of Activities, Mental Strength


The study on the development of activities to strengthen the mental strength of youth Sacred Heart Foundation, Baan Suan Phraharuthai Lampang, aims to measure the level of activities to enhance the mental strength of youth and to measure the level of the mental strength of youth. The population and sample consisted of 26 junior high school youths of the Sacred Heart Foundation, Baan Suan Phraharuthai Lampang consisting of 2 males and 24 females. Data were collected using a questionnaire and mental strength assessment.  Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation and analysed the mental strength before and after the activity to strengthen the mental strengthened by using the statistical t-test (Paired Samples-t-test). Mental strength found that the level of assessment activities strengthened the mental strength of youth. 70.59% of youths expressed their opinions that it was an activity that promoted their mental strength, in descending order: 1) Dream and life goals activities 2) Artistic relationship building activities 3) My talent activities 4) Sports activities, 5) self-acceptance and self-understanding activities, 6) smile positive thinking activities, 7) expressing feelings and dealing with emotions activities, 8) my body activities, and 9) coping tips activities. As for comparing the differences between the experimental results before and after participating in the mental strength activities, there were no differences in the experimental results before and after participating in the mental strength activities. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite

Kanthu, P. (2023). Development of activities to strengthen the mental strength of youth Sacred Heart Foundation Baan Suan Phraharuthai Lampang. Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 14(1), 82–95. retrieved from



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