Relaxed Mind Control Model In order to leverage the effectiveness of behavior development for the offenders


  • Areena Lertsaenporn Faculty of Social work and social welfare, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Social Work Clinic, Relaxed Mind Control, Behavior Development


           This survey research was aimed to study: 1) To study the model of the relaxed mind control process of the justice system working with offenders in society, with the knowledge in clinical social work, 2)To study the competency factors of officials working with offenders in society which effecting on raising the level of achievement and developing the behavior of offenders,3) To study the factors that create consciousness which effecting the development of the behavior of offenders. The research based on the open prisons in the Eastern region, Huai Pong Open Correctional Institution, Thung Bencha Open Correctional Institution, Khao Mai Kaeo Temporary Prison and Khao Rakam Temporary Prison ; as a total of 4 prisons. Be an official with a sample size of 91 people and 398 prisoners, the study was both quantitative and qualitative research. The tools used in the study are ; questionnaires, which is the quantitative research tool, analyzed data using percentage statistics. standard deviation correlation testing and multiple regression testing. Focus group interviews with officials and prisoners and in-depth interviews with central and regional administrators, Department of Corrections, Ministry of Justice. Including in-depth interviews with those who are partners in the network to support the development of offender behavior.

           The results of the study found that : 1)  A study of the relaxed mind control process is consistent with knowledge in clinical social work  with qualitative research. It was found that screening into temporary prisons and open prisons without walls Prisoners are ready to escape at any time. Therefore, it must be controlled with the heart to make the inmates love and be considerate; at the same time, strict control measures must be used and treat everyone equally. The basics of controlling personnel must be observed individually; by considering the potential advantages or the outstanding characteristics of each prisoner used to develop the mind and adjust the image of the offenders to adjust before being released from prisons in order to return good people to society. 2) Knowledge competency and achievement and behavioral competencies necessary to perform duties Can be used as a predictor in predicting the improvement of achievement and behavior development of offenders with statistical significance at the 0.01 and 0.001 levels. 3) The variables : religious, education level, before being convicted he had a place of residence, occupation before imprisonment, number of times previously imprisoned (this time included), prisoner level being, disciplined while in prison, number of times previously punished, level of confidence in providing for oneself, getting help when leaving prison, which  a significant effect on the development of offenders' behavior at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 levels ; and also found that the level of awareness among offenders can be used as a predictor in making predictions, in terms of adjustment in developing behavior ,in terms of intention and commitment to develop the behavior and behavior of offenders as a whole, it was statistically significant at the 0.001 level.


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How to Cite

Lertsaenporn, A. (2024). Relaxed Mind Control Model In order to leverage the effectiveness of behavior development for the offenders . Huachiew Chalermprakiet Law Journal, 14(2), 143–162. retrieved from



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