The US Foreign Policy and the New Masculinity after the 9/11 Catastrophe: A Concept Paper through Sam Raimi’s Spiderman Episode 1 and 2
Spiderman, Sam Raimi, The 9/11 Catastrophe, New Masculinity, The US Foreign PolicyAbstract
This article aims to study the US foreign policy and a concept on new masculinity after the 9/11 catastrophe by constructing a concept paper through Sam Raimi’s Spiderman episode one (2002) and episode two (2004). Research instruments were those of studying movie contents with secondary resources analysis; i.e., media, magazines, or news. Collected data and information were analyzed by employing hermeneutic method. Based on the Spiderman movies episode 1 and 2, this study found that the Western media; like, magazines, news, movies, or publications had all well reflected meanings, values, morals, and identities regarding the US foreign policy and the new masculinity concretely. With analyzing its contents and presentations, the movies productions could suitably be employed to understand a dynamic of world politics as well as to systematically evaluate trends on contemporary political situations after the 9/11 catastrophe, particularly on Iraqi circumstances. Moreover, movies’ contents and presentations over main actors had concretely revealed identities and entities on the new masculinity both in terms of physical appearances and attitudes of Spiderman.
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