The Concept of the Ecological Adjustment in the Green-Blue Economic Community in the Globalization for the Sustainable Livelihood: The Proposal Review in the Theory Aspect
: The Green-Blue Economic Community, Globalization, Ecological AdjustmentAbstract
The concept of the ecological adjustment in the green-blue economic community in the globalization for the sustainable livelihood: The proposal in the theory is the article that attempt to propose the ecological adjustment concept to use in the green-blue economic community where is the coastal community with the economic figure depending on the natural resources of both land and sea. The tide of globalization brings capitalism and consumerism to the community which effects to local livelihood. It is essential to use the concept and theory to studying new alternative way for community developing. This research focuses on the proposal of the of the ecological adjustment concept applying to the community adaptation base on the environmental concern by emphasizing the bottom works, management by the community standing on the grassroots democracy, and blend of the principle for nature sustainability. The proposition of community study upon the concept of the ecological adjustment in the green-blue economic community in the globalization for the sustainable livelihood is to search the data relevant to the economic and ecology systems of the green-blue economic in the community level, synthesis the economic and ecological problems effected to the community together with their problem-solving processes, look at political aspect in the grassroots level which impacts to the problem-solving processes, analyze local culture and local culture and the local wisdom relating to people’s way of life at the present, assess to the community management system as to correct the community economic issue, and present a guideline of the green-blue economic community adaptation plan to achieve the sustainable career.
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