Thai Foreign Policy in the Cold War: Process, Factors, and Implementation


  • Kullanan Kunthic A Researcher and Secretary of the Security Studies Project, Under the Sponsorship of the Institute of Intelligence, National Intelligence Agency


Thai Foreign Policy, Policy Process, Policy Implementation, Cold War


Thai foreign policy in the Cold War is one of the milestones of the history of the country’s foreign affairs. This article is an effort to indicate individuals and organizations that involve in the process and how they organize their relationship, the factors affecting foreign policy formulation and the implementation during the period of challenges, fluctuation and dynamism of the Cold War. During that time, Thai foreign policy processes are under the military-led model, the bureaucratic/technocratic-led model and the Prime Minister-led model while factors affecting foreign policy formulation are various. On the part of the implementation, Thailand executes foreign policy according to the United States’ policy orientation. However, once the external environment begins to change when the United States reduces its role in the region and the situation in Indochina, it is also a turning point in Thailand’s foreign policy. Importantly, the understanding of Thai foreign policy during the Cold War is the crucial point and the foundation to further study and understand the country’s foreign policy latterly.



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