Integrated Community-based Tourism Strategies for Income Equity Building of Trat Province
Integrated Strategies, Community-Based Tourism, Equity BuildingAbstract
The objective of this research was to investigate tourism resources, tourism products, and tourism facilities operated by the sub-district communities in Trat province which brought about to the integrated strategy development and tourism database operation made by the community in Trat province for income equity building in Trat province. The mixed method research methodology consisting of documentary research, oral history, structured interview, and in-depth interview were applied to this study. The findings showed that the income equity building in Trat province driven by the community tourism management should be integrated with ecotourism, culture, beaches, history, and culinary tourism. The study of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats revealed that the strategic status of community tourism in Trat province was the approach strategies, showing the community tourism in Trat province had to necessarily be driven and developed by emphasizing on the strengths of Trat province in order to establish more propitious chances. Therefore, the content of strategies for driving the community tourism in Trat province should be focused on the development of tourist attractions made by the community in Trat province with the connection of Trat province and Cambodia. The strategies to strengthen SMEs should be done in order to develop the potential of tourism conducted by the community.
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