The Adaptation of the Green-Blue Economic Community Among the Global Warming: The Case Study of the Eastern Coast


  • Sitang Jaroenwong A Lecturer of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • Preecha Piampongsan A Lecturer of Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University
  • Suthy Prasartset An Associate Professor of Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Law, Burapha University


Green-Blue Economic, Global Warming, The Eastern Coast


This is a critique - interdisciplinary research aiming to study the impact and the adaptation of the green-blue economic community - in the context of eastern coast where having impact from global warming. The community’s representatives in this research are Koh Chang sub-district, Koh Chang Tai sub-district, Koh Chang district, Koh Kut sub-district Koh Kut district and Leam Klat sub-district, Muang district in Trad province. The findings discover that the impact of global warming toward community are climate changed, coastal erosion and coral bleaching. In term of community’s adaptation, Ko Chang sub-district has acclimated themselves through the mechanism of government organization. Regarding to the adaptation of Ko Chang Tai sub-district, they promote ecotourism under Low Carbon Concept. For example, scuba diving activity by using ancient boat, set up conservative group calling “Ban Salakkhok tourism club” to be a natural resources preserving community. Koh Kut sub-district has adapted under the economic context by setting up mutual agreement between leader and community to resist the entering of big multinational company, set working team for tourist transfer between pier and accommodation in order to create and distribute income to the community.  Under social context where norm of group set up is under relative connection, there are many public activities. Same with environmental context, community is attempting to reduce potential risk to environment and ecological restoration, for example, mangrove forest reclamation, Fish Habitat Project, Crab Bank, set up concrete requirement from community for the coming accommodation construction and stipulate involvement from all stakeholders who related to tourism. For Leam Klat sub-district, environmental adaptations are natural resource restoration and establish food security by creating mutual agreement, develop waste management charter in tourism area. In term of Economic dimension, there are economic cooperation and the attempt to build economy base from community participation tourism activity.



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