Political Economy of Building the Economic Wealthiness and the Sustainable Living: The Case Study of the Community of Bang Sa Kao in Leam Sing District Chunthaburi Province
Political Economy, Economic Wealthiness, Community of Bang Sa KaoAbstract
In the title of the article " Building the economic wealthiness and sustainable living: The case study of the community of Bang Sa Kao in Leam Sing District Chunthaburi province" for analyzing the risk factors which cause the unstable economy, and the sustainable living. Analyzing the procedure and how to build the economic wealthiness and the sustainable living in the community of Bang Sa Kao in Leam Sing District Chunthaburi province. From the study found that the risk factors which cause the unstable economy, and the sustainable living in the community of Bang Sa Kao are the risk factors in terms of the economy, such as relying in the external and focusing on the production for sale. Spending life as the consumerism, such as spending too much money, lack of saving money and the debt due to fail in career. The risk factors in term of the society , such as all bad things that happens in the community, the individuality ways of life and fall of the original culture in the community. The risk factors in term of the environment, such as the ecosystem has been destroyed, the mangrove has been intruded. In the part of the procedure and how to build the economic wealthiness and the sustainable living in the community found that the economic aspect has been set up the economic organization group, the financial and welfare organization in the community of Bang Sa Kao, the procedure and how to build the economic wealthiness and the sustainable living in the community of Bang Sa Kao. The social aspect, the group/ the organization have been set up for driving the public works that relate with the society and the culture dimensions, such as the local conservative youth group, the volunteer group, the Thai farmer lady group, the power of love club (The immune deficiency), the elder group, the radio in the community. In the aspect of the environment, such as the fish house project, the crab bank that tried to rebuild the ecosystem, and to build the accommodation for aquatic animals in order to be the food source for the community, the mangrove and the green area restoration project, driving the concept of conservation zone for the trees and seedlings in the mangrove area, the nearby areas, the concession area and the aquatic animals.
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