Review 1984 and Deconstruction, Challenge Thai Politics in philosophical
1984, Deconstruction, Challenge, Thai PoliticsAbstract
In the world of literature, the literature of that time will be accepted both in and outside literary circles as “Comcast classic work” or “classified," that is a classic earphone. That are not happening easily, because of luck or by chance have been called “Fluke", but must be used to create more value. There is a context or significance, causing driving force even cars to squeeze a contribution. The content of the work, it must reflect, provoke or strike down the value of some important literature that wants to convey the significance of context or a desire to cause the result. Furthermore the major literary piece when it was created from an abstract head Pate creator of the world outside reality. Such as contributions would have to create vibrations to society. The “Critical Thinking, Questioning, Deconstruction, Challenge” or until the wild. "To build“ a new political society. According to literature values, ideals something to offer. In the case of literature in 1984, too, on Orwell's exhortations to think to question authority in various aspects, both tangible and intangible, to see the face of power and interest is the relationship and clashes between powers. Including the truth of the relationship between the state and citizens who have never been fit, whether it's a relationship based on whatever. In contrast, what seems to be the intellectual stimulation of libido in order to Orwell is very important. "The idea of power" and "power relations" in the dimension that looks upside. As a result, every camp and declared himself to be. "Free and democratic" and "non-democratic". They have turned a questioning, critical social challenges of demolition themselves enormously. Although in 1984, it becomes a bedtime story of all political camps to them.
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