Relations between Thailand and Vietnam in the New Millennium Period: Perspective of International Political Economy


  • Jirayoot Seemung A Master Student of Master of International Studies (International Relations), Faculty of International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi- University of Social Sciences and Humanities


Relations, Between Thailand And Vietnam, The New Millennium Period, International Political Economy


Nevertheless, the Thailand – Vietnam relations had been formally established in 1975 after passing the great irregular political phenomenon, The Second World War and The Cold War caused by the 2 contradictory political ideologies. A few years later, in 1978, this newborn relation had been interrupted because of the political invasion of Vietnam in Cambodia. But fortunately, this suspension period had not taken too long and the relations had been gradually improved since Vietnam decided to withdraw their forces from Cambodia in 1985 and the Cold War was end up in 1991. In the 20th century, The relations of these both countries have obviously and constructively covered in multi such as diplomacy, economy and especially social relations.


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