Right of Marginal People with Arable Land Problem: The Cases of Hmong Paklang in Chengklang, Nan


  • Thouchanok Sattayavinit A Master Student of Master of International Studies (International Relations), Faculty of International Studies, Vietnam National University Hanoi, University of Social Sciences and Humanities.


Marginal People, Hmong Paklang, Arable Land Problem, Right


The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of the marginal people’s right about their arable land. Hmong “Paklang” is a group of people who lives in a forest called “Paklang” that located in “Nan” province in the north of Thailand. This group of people is always lack of interest from people in the society. Recently, Hmong people have no right in their arable land because they are always oppressed by government and investor through law and policy. According to this case, the overlapping territorial claims area belong to the government legally under the notice of Doi Phuka-Phadaeng National Reserved Forest. In addition, there are various factors influencing the marginal people’s right such as economic, politic, society, and culture. Thus, every part of the society included the government should cooperate developing their quality of life and also their equality.


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