Planting Organic Agriculture According to The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for Sustainable Development: A Case study of Folk Gurus in Nakhonsawan Province


  • Narong Kridkajornkornkul Master Student, School of Social and Environmental Development, National Institute of Development Administration


Organic Agriculture, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Sustainable Development


The purposes of this study are to study the model of organic agriculture in accordance with the philosophy of sufficiency economy, and to study the consistence of the organic agriculture according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy with sustainable development. A qualitative research method was utilized. The study results found that folk gurus use the sufficiency economy philosophy as a tool for developing organic farming. They manage knowledge through creation, application and trial. Until the results of their knowledge findings were satisfactory, they disseminate them to others. They organized a network of exchange, sharing and join hand to solving problem together. The Organic Agriculture is consistent with six items of a sustainable development goals, namely: no poverty, zero hunger, good health, access to clean water and sanitation, responsible consumption and production, and climate action.



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