The Management of Ecotourism for Sustainable Coastal Community Development with the Participatory Action Research A Case Study: of Laem Klat Sub-District, Muang District, Trat Province


  • Jutinan Kwunnate Lecturer, Political Sciences Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Sitang Charenwong Lecturer, Political Sciences Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Auemporn Rungsiri Lecturere, Business English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Community Ecotourism Management, Community Development, Coastal Community, Laem Klat Sub-District


The purposes of this participatory action research were: 1) to study the ability and management of ecotourism of Laem Klat Sub-District Community, and 2) to study guideline of ecotourism management of the Laem Klat Sub-District Community. The findings revealed that the community had proficiency in managing ecotourism including local people, the community, and various natural resources. It also had their own culture. Many sectors involved in participation of ecotourism management of the community. The guidelines of ecotourism management were that the community should focus on the creative participation of local people based on the community natural resources, the effects of ecotourism, Tourists’ natural environment learning, and the community management in environment awareness.



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