City Development Company: Private Organizations and Participation in Public Policy Formulation


  • Phumsan Lertratananan -


City development company, City development, Public policy, Private organization


This article studies “City Development Company” as a private organization established to take part in making the city's public policy. Its main objective is to study the concept and role of a private organization known as a city development company and the interactions that occur in the process of participating in public policy making by using a qualitative study method that collects data from people involved in the movement of the city development company and public policy. The results of the study found that city development company uses the smart growth city and smart city concept to help to determine the direction of city development in accordance with the policy of the central government which is caused by the demand for policies from the public sector and interest groups in the city through activities that create interactions within the city. This creates jobs that are the main interests of the city and finds a way to use the power in local laws such as the Municipality Act so that the city can drive public policy also including the use of methods for advocating policies through the power elite at both the provincial and national levels and use research data to build the weight and rationale of public policy and build relationships with the media as well.


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