Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy: A Comparative Study of South Korea and Myanmar
Democratic Transition, Dictatorship, South Korea, MyanmarAbstract
The study on “Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy: A Comparative Study of South
Korea and Myanmar” aimed to 1) Study the causes that led to the transition from dictatorship to democracy in South Korea and Myanmar, and 2) Analyze the sustainability of democracy in Myanmar. The study was conducted through a review of literature and research papers as well as relevant documents, focusing on the period up to the general election in Myanmar in 2015. The study found that 1) the causes that led to the transition from dictatorship to democracy in South Korea and Myanmar can be summarized as the modernization of the country through economic development, international and external influences, and the role of political actors. In the case of South Korea, once the transition took place, was able to establish a stable and enduring democracy, both in behavior and attitude, because political actors at all levels demonstrated confidence in the fairness of democracy and adhered to it as a form of governance. And 2) the establishment of a sustainable democracy in Myanmar could not occur because the leading group and the military remained committed to dictatorship and did not follow the path of true democracy. Although there was a government resulting from the 2015 election, it continued to govern in a liberal authoritarian manner, favoring large foreign businesses and the national elite.
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