การพัฒนารูปแบบการบริหารความเสี่ยง มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏศรีสะเกษ
Model Development, Risk ManagementAbstract
The purposes of the research on the development of the risk management model of Sisaket Rajabhat University were to create and assess the risk management model of Sisaket Rajabhat University.The participants in this research were divided into two groups. Group one consisted of 12 participants of executives, lecturers, and staff members in charge of risk management of Sisaket Rajabhat University responding to the interview and recommending the development of the risk management model. In addition, these participants included the external experts in charge of auditing, assessing, and giving recommendations on the development of the risk management model of Sisaket Rajabhat University who were chief executives with experience in educational assessment and quality internal auditors. Group two consisted of 27 participants of executives, lecturers, and staff members in charge of risk management of Sisaket Rajabhat University responding to the risk management model assessment form. The data analysis was derived from the statistical methodology using the SPSS package. The individual data were analyzed using frequency and percentage statistics. The efficiency of the developed risk management model was analyzed by calculating the mean and standard deviation.The results revealed as follows: 1. The result of creating the risk management model of Sisaket Rajabhat University presented the six components of the risk management model: 1) principle, 2) objective, 3) risk management procedure, 4) model implementation, 5) assessment, and 6) condition to success. 2. The quality assessment result of the risk management model of Sisaket Rajabhat University was found that the overall result of all six components on the appropriateness aspect was at a good level followed by the probability aspect at a good level, and the utility at a good level. Considering each aspect of the assessment items, it was found that: 1) the appropriateness of the main component presented the highest mean, 2) the probability of the objective component showed the highest mean, and 3) the utility of the objective component reveled the highest mean.mind can be repeated with insults, must always be scolded, and seen as a clown. In addition to that, the literature of Isaan songs with content about the third gender or bisexuality often raises the issue.Heartbreak because of being dumped or deceived by men. But a third sex or bisexual can also be fun. It brings a lot of benefits to society.
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