Design and development of an intelligent irrigation system for Thailand: a Kansei Engineering based approach

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Suchada Rianmora
Infandra Irfak Z. Ridwan
Ahalya Ravendran


Recent advancements of the Thailand 4.0 model use a knowledge-based economy for sustainable development with high importance given to proper water management. The application of Kansei Engineering on the design and development of an irrigation system will provide an innovative solution to improving the model. This research study focuses on the design and development of an intelligent irrigation system to satisfy customer requirements using Kansei Engineering. Kansei Engineering is used to capture and translate consumer perceptions to be elements of the design. This research classifies Kansei words using statistical analysis and the influential Kansei words are considered as the basic layout to design and develop an intelligent irrigation system. The developed intelligent system incorporates a control module using a microcontroller with different sensors to monitor environmental parameters as well as a ring-shaped emitter to directly provide water to plant roots. The results ensure that the influential factors of consumer needs include physical appearance, feasibility and operational performance factors. The developed system provides an opportunity for urban residents to create green areas in their limited living space as the implemented system in Thailand recorded and displayed productive results in diverse environmental conditions. Further, this research study can be used to minimize the additional cost of water wastage from natural sources and storage tanks and thus, develop an effective water management system.

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How to Cite
Rianmora, S., Ridwan, I. I. Z., & Ravendran, A. (2020). Design and development of an intelligent irrigation system for Thailand: a Kansei Engineering based approach. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 25(01), APST–25. retrieved from
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