Effect of nitric oxide on postharvest quality of lime fruit (citrus aurantifolia swingle)

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Amolsiri Nolpradubphan
Intira Lichanporn


The effect of different concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) on postharvest life of lime (Citrus  aurantifolia Swingle) was investigated. Lime was immersed with nitric acid at concentration 0, 5, 10 and 20 µg /l for 1 minute then kept at 4 C°. Changes in weight loss, total soluble solids (TSS), fruit firmness, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and Chlorophyllase activity were evaluated periodically with 7 day intervals during storage. The results showed that lime immersed with 5µg/l SNP was significantly delayed the decrease of weight loss and firmness, also maintained the highest ascorbic acid and delayed the increase of total soluble solids contents during storage. Moreover, lime fruits treated with 20 ug/l SNP increased more slowly Chlorophyllase activity than the other treatments. This application of NO may be a useful method for extending shelf-life and maintaining quality of lime.

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How to Cite
Nolpradubphan, A., & Lichanporn, I. (2016). Effect of nitric oxide on postharvest quality of lime fruit (citrus aurantifolia swingle). Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 21(1), 86–96. https://doi.org/10.14456/kkurj.2016.8
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