Preparation of vinegar from coconut water using baker’s yeast and acetobacter aceti TISTR 102 starter powder

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Thao Ngan Trinh Ngoc
Payap Masniyom
Jaruwan Maneesri


In order to produce vinegar, coconut water was fermented through two stages: alcoholic fermentation with baker’s yeast and followed by acetous fermentation with A. aceti TISTR 102 starter powder. The baker’s yeast and the sugar concentration significantly effected on the alcoholic fermentation (p≤0.05). Baker’s yeast at 0.4% (w/v) was added to 1,500 mL of coconut water at 12% (w/v) sugar content that adequately produced approximately 6% (v/v) ethanol concentration within 1 day. The ethanol was used as the substrate for acetification with A. aceti TISTR 102 starter powder. The addition of A. aceti TISTR 102 starter powder at 0.5% (w/v) completely produced 6.27±0.02% acetic acid within 18 days, thus attaining 89% fermentation efficiency. In the sensory evaluation test, the coconut water vinegar was rated with acceptable scores for all of the sensorial attributes (appearance, odor, sourness and overall acceptance). Vinegar from coconut water is one considered and application in household scale.

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How to Cite
Ngoc, T. N. T., Masniyom, P., & Maneesri, J. (2016). Preparation of vinegar from coconut water using baker’s yeast and acetobacter aceti TISTR 102 starter powder. Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 21(2), 385–396.
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