Author Guidelines

General Guidelines:

  1. The manuscript submitted for publication must not have been previously published nor be under consideration for other publications. Violation of copyright is taken to be the direct responsibility of the submitter of the manuscript.
  2. The manuscript must be written in only Standard English.
  3. The manuscript will be reviewed by the CBSJ’s reviewers before it is subsequently approved by the editorial board.
  4. The CBSJ is entitled to all copyright of the published manuscript.

Type of Manuscript

Review Manuscript:

The topic and contents of a review manuscript should be relevant to the issues discussed in the manuscript. The issues in the manuscript should be presented coherently in order to make the discussion easy to understand. Theory should be applied to the analysis of issues; the manuscript should be concluded with the recommendations of the author(s).

Research Manuscript:

A research manuscript should creatively present its findings in a systematic manner; each manuscript should consist of the following relevant elements:

  • Introduction, which should include a statement of the importance of the research and the source of the stated problem(s) together with an overall background and rationale of conducting the research
  • Literature review
  • Research methodology, which should explain the research process, data collection and research instruments
  • Research findings
  • Discussion
  • Theoretical contributions
  • Managerial implications
  • Conclusion
  • Brief summary
  • Limitations and directions of future research
  • References

Manuscript Requirements:

  • Times New Roman characters with 12-point font, and 1.5 line spacing must be used in the manuscript.
  • Word limit is 8,000 including references. One table is equivalent to 250 words.
  • Manuscript title must be concise and clear.
  • Abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words with five keywords.
  • The manuscript must include the details of each author including name, affiliate, academic title (or the highest degree obtained), and contact address. This information shall be listed on a separate page from the manuscript itself.
  • The author(s) must proofread the manuscript to ensure correct spelling, spacing, appropriateness and coherence in Standard English.
  • Please refer to the APA Style for journal format and references (for details, see The prospective contributor is required to check the accuracy and completeness of the references.
  • The author(s) must clearly state in the submission whether the submitted manuscript is a research manuscript or a review manuscript.

Privacy Statement: 

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purposes or to any other party.