Activity-Based Learning Methodwith Developing the Translation Skills of Students Majoring in Chinese at Walailak University

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เกตมาตุ ดวงมณี


The aim of the research was to study the background and translation aptitudeof 42 studentsmajoring in Chineseat Walailak University whotook the Chinese-Thai Translation I course in the third semester of the 2016 academic yearand to subsequently develop their translation skills. Three types of research tools were used to collect the course-related data: first,a questionnaire; second, teaching plan;and third,identical tests before and after the course to assess their improvement. A descriptive analysis of the data was also carried out.This study showed that the students fell intotwo groups: those who hadabasic knowledge of Chinese, and those who did not. There were three mainsets ofproblems withtheirChinese-Thai translations: language problems; cultural problems; and personal problems. Language problems were the main set of issues facing learners. The main factors affecting the students' ability are the difficulty of Chinese grammar, a lack of cultural knowledge; and not understandingthe culture encoded in the content. The courseinvolved using activity-based learning, whichfocused on learners as a way of involving them fully in teaching activitiesconsisting ofthree types of processing, namely group work,analytical thinking, andpractical activities. It was found that students had improved their translation proficiency andwere interested in working out the appropriate translation by themselves. After completion this course, it was found that students had improved their translation proficiency at a level of significance at of statistical testing.    

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