The Evaluation of the Participants Satisfaction towards Thai-Singapore Cultural Exchange and Study Program, Matthayomsat School, Lampang Province

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พรสันต์ เลิศวิทยาวิวัฒน์


This research aims to evaluate the participant’s satisfaction towards Thai-Singapore Cultural Exchange and Study Program, Matthayomsat School, Lampang province.  The study group were 20 students, 5 teachers, and 20 parents.  The instruments used in this research were 5 Rating Scale together with open-ended questionnaire on satisfaction towards Thai-Singapore Cultural Exchange and Study Program. Students and teachers used both style of instruments except parent only open-ended questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The results were revealed as follows:  Both students and teachers, in general, had a very high level of the satisfaction of Thai-Singapore Cultural Exchange and study programs. Considering in each article found that our students had created the relationship with Singapore students there and they were highly satisfied in learning Singapore culture at Shelton International High School.  Besides from that, the parent opinions were revealed that their children got a lot of experiences and they found that their children were so happy with this program especially they had opportunity to use their English communication skill.

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