The Geographic Information System for Local Wisdom Management: A Case Study of Muang Kaen Pattana Municipality, Mae Tang District, Chiang Mai Province.
Main Article Content
The objectives of this research were to develop the geographic information system for local wisdom management. The research methodology is divided into five phases as follows; 1) studying the community context, 2) analyzing and designing the information system and database system, 3) implementing the system using PHP as a programming language, MySQL as the database management system and Google Map API technology for representing information on the online map 4) testing the system and 5) delivering the geographic information system to community. The studied sample groups consist of 12 informants of local wisdoms using the purposive sampling method, five experts as quality assessment samples using the purposive sampling method and 63 user samples using the simple random sampling method. The research instruments are 1) structured interview form 2) questionnaire 3) systematic quality assessment from and 4) satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, means and standard deviation.
The research results reveal that there have been 12 local wisdoms. The geographic information system for local wisdom management can represent the local wisdom information in photos, texts, geographic database. The information (i.e., local wisdom locations and photos) can be represented on the online map. The system administrator can manage the local wisdom information through the system. The geographic information system for local wisdom management, which is evaluated by the experts, passed
the assessment in high level (= 4.38). Similarly, the result of satisfaction assessment of users is also at high level (
= 3.97).
Article Details
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