Teamwork Perception of International Conference Participants through Salad Bowl Game
Main Article Content
The objectives of this study were: 1) to study perception of teamwork and 2) to find the relationship between the goal orientation factor and the emotive action factor after playing salad bowl game. The purposes of this game are to facilitate teamwork, to practice critical thinking, to solve problem, and to listen to others’ opinion. Devices used for playing game are jigsaws which authors created by themselves. Technique of this game is that the players have to find a missing jigsaw to complete their tasks. The subjects of this study were all participants (174) registered at an international conference. Questionnaires were used for asking perception of teamwork. The questionnaire was verified by experts, and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability efficiency was 0.98. Mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis. The results reveal that 1) perception of teamwork as a whole is at the high level (µ = 4.48, SD = .41), in term of the goal orientation factor is at the highest level (µ = 4.50, SD = .41) and the emotive action factor is at the high level (µ = 4.45, SD = .45). 2) There were statistically significant relationship between the goal orientation factor and the emotive action factor at the high level (r = .750, p < 0.01).
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