Human Resource Management for Developing Organizational Commitment of Generation Y

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Chatchai Suwannarat
Saisunee Kasem
Romchalee Chuthai


This article aims to study human resource management approaches that improve Generation Y's organizational commitment. They will be the main force for the organization in the future. However, they have different attitudes, expectations, and work values. In addition, the traditional human resource management practices are still not appropriate to satisfy, make them work at full capacity, and unable to maintain this cohort to work with the organization for a long time. This article reviewed literature about the Generation Y cohort, both Thai and foreign, mostly published within ten years from various databases. The analysis and synthesis are performed according to the concept of person-organization and job fit that will create organizational commitment in all three elements. These will present the suitable practices in human resource management in 4 areas. They are (1) the recruitment and selection using social media that consistent with generation Y skills and values, (2) the human resource development through the mentoring system that focuses on individual progression, (3) the flexible compensation that can be tailored to individual needs, and (4) the performance management with prompt and friendly feedback.

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Academic Articles


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