Branding in Digital Marketing

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Suradat Sumatapiwat


The competition in the digital marketing of goods and services in the online social world Branding competition is a must. to create competitive advantages. Entrepreneurs or brand owners will create a brand that is known in digital marketing. Knowledge of brand-related marketing strategies is required. with both a single brand strategy and using Multi Brand strategy. Knowing how to build a brand based on understanding of 5 key elements, namely, consumer behavior in the digital age. online communication channel, brand value, creation Build an engaging brand and reputation management in the digital age to make the brand valuable different from other brands in the online market able to expand new customer base and also create a long-lasting memory for customers. marketing. And branding are equally important and should go hand in hand with branding, which is your first impression and your ability to connect with your target audience. to get the perfect branding. There must be 3 elements: building a strong brand identity, creating a brand book and creating beautiful artwork. This will enable customers to create sustainable brand loyalty in the future.

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