Guidelines for Designing Video for Learning for Marginal Learners of Chiang Mai Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education

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Nattiya Bunwirat
Pimpwalan Sittidej
Harnchai Chaitusaney
Wichsuda Phusanawiwat


This research aimed to find out the guidelines for designing video for learning that is applicable for marginal learners under Chiang Mai Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education. The research participants were 7 university teachers who participated in the research project “Designing and Developing of Learning and Teaching Models for Enhancing Competency of Non-formal and Informal Learners” that was part of the research program “Digital Social Support System for Learning Essential Skills of Non-formal Learners in Chiang Mai Border Area Fiscal Year 2021”. The data collection instrument was a semi-structured interview, and the data from the interview were analyzed by thematic analysis. The results of the study revealed that the guidelines for designing video for learning for marginal learners under Chiang Mai Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education were significantly classified into two parts that were 1) the process for designing the video for learning consisted of two steps: 1.1) the analyzing of the contents and learners and 1.2) the creating of a storyboard, and 2) the factors that influenced the designing of video for learning were divided into two factors: 2.1) the internal factor such as the limitations of time for video producing, technology capability, and experience in video teaching and 2.2) the external factor such as the lack of support in producing and utilizing the video for learning. The results of the study can be the preliminary guidelines for designing videos for learning for learners with diversity and limitations in educational opportunities.

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