Experiential Learning Management to Develop Geography Abilities of Grade 4 Students at Ban Rim Tai School, Chiang Mai Province
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This study aimed to 1) create experiential learning plans on the topic of physical characteristics, 2) compare pre-post learning achievement of using experiential learning activities, and 3) develop geographic abilities in items of geological characteristics. The sample group was 35 Grade 4 students at Ban Rim Tai School, Chiang Mai Province, by random cluster sampling. The experimental instrument was a set of experiential learning plans on physical characteristics for the sample group. The percentage, average, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and mode were used as statistical analysis. The results showed that 1) five developed experiential plans on the topic of physical characteristics (such as content, learning activity, instructional media, measurement and evaluation, and learning management pattern) were at a high level;2) after using the experiential learning plans, the mean score before learning was 8.83 and after learning was 15.00, indicating that the average learning achievement was higher than before; and 3) 74.29 percent of students had an ability at the highest level and were at a very good level of ability according to the results of geography ability analysis from their worksheets.
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