Developing an Experience Manual Based on Computing Science (By Unplugged Coding) with Kids Code for Fun Media to Promote Basic Thinking Skills of Young Children

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Patcharin Chaisena
Chamaimone Srisusak
Kallaya Jairak


The objectives of this research are 1) to develop a manual for organizing basic thinking skills experiences for young children by learning experience provision based on computing science (by unplugged coding) with Kids Code for fun media and 2) Compare the basic thinking abilities of young children. Before and after organizing an experience using computational science learning activities with the use of Kids Code for fun media. The sample group was Children aged 5-6 years, Kindergarten 3, Semester 1, Academic Year 2023, Ban Mae Buan School, 20 people, were obtained from cluster random sampling. The research tools were 1) a manual for organizing experiences provision based on computing science (by unplugged coding) with Kids code for fun media to develop basic thinking skills for young children and 2) basic thinking ability assessment form Data analyzed by To find the efficiency of the manual, use E1/E2 statistics using the 80/80 criterion. Comparison of basic thinking abilities of young children using independent t-test statistics. The results of the research found that 1) a manual for organizing experiences in basic thinking skills for young children by learning experience provision based on computing science (by unplugged coding) with Kids Code for fun media has an E1/E2 efficiency of 94.57/93.89, which is higher than the specified standard efficiency criteria of 80/80. 2) young children who receive experiences provision based on computing science (by unplugged coding) with Kids Code for fun media between before and after the experience with a standard deviation value of 1.64 and 0.77 and a t-test value of 8.22.

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