The Development of an Educational Gaming Experience using Multimedia to Enhance English Listening and Speaking Skills in the English Language of Early Children Childhood in Trilingual School

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Maneerat Thongpun
Chamaimone Srisurak
Kiattichai Saitakham


The purposes of this research were (1) to study the development of educational game experience provision by using multimedia to promote English listening and speaking of young children in trilingual school with an efficiency of 80/80, and (2) to compare the English listening and speaking abilities of young children between before and after developing an educational game experience provision by using multimedia. The sample group was 24 young children(12 boys and 12 girls), grade 3/1, Varaneegul Kindergarten School, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai Province, academic year 2023, selected by cluster random sampling. The Research instruments consisted of (1) the experience provision by using multimedia to promote English listening and speaking of young children in trilingual school, and (2) an evaluation form of English listening and speaking of young children with 8 items. The statistics for analyze were the percentage (%), mean ( ) and standard deviation (S.D.) The research results revealed that (1) the result of the experience provision by using multimedia to promote English listening and speaking of young children in trilingual school was 99.00 / 95.83 which was higher than the efficiency of 80/80 and (2) the comparative results of listening and speaking English ability of young children for using multimedia to promote English listening and speaking of young children showed that young children who received experience using multimedia had developed the English listening and speaking with the statistical significance level  at 0.01.

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