The Guideline of Developing Managment of Event Business In Bangkok

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Thitima Pulpetch
Rachanon Taweepol


This research aimed to 1) study the factors  of supporting  the event management that  affects the decision of participants 2) study the guide line of developing  managment of the event business in Bangkok, the research was use mixed method research by distributing questionnaire in 384 samples to a group of participants and then do in-depth interview with 14 peoples who involve with planning and contacting. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics, Mean, Percentage, Standard Deviation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results found that 1) the factors that support the event management affecting the decision of participants consist of 3 aspects which are personal necessity, environment and attraction of the venue, and the ability of the organizers 2) The guide line of developing managment of the event Business in Bangkok can be divided into 4 issues; defining the structure of the event, to identify the target group, selecting event place and classifying a group of suppliers.

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