Development of 1-2 bat skills in teaching physical education in the Krabi Krabong course. Using a 12-box grid exercise for Mathayom 2 students at Kantharalak Wittaya School

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Dumrongrit Chantra
Phitchaphorn Arsa


This research aims to: 1) develop batting skills 1-2 in the Krabi Krabong course using a 12-square grid practice for Mattayomsuksa 2 students at Kantharalak Wittaya School, and 2) Comparison of skills before and after use of Bat Fighting Exercises 1-2 in the Krabi Krabong course before and after using a 12-square grid exercise. The tools used in the research were Bat Skill Training 1-2 in Krabi Krabong using a 12-square grid practice and Bat Skill test 1-2. To conduct an experiment, the research method employed a pre-experimental design. The design used in the research was a single experimental group design, and the experimental results were measured two times before and after the experiment. The statistical methods used in the research were mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Paired Samples t-test or Dependent Samples t-test). The participants in this research study comprised Mattayomsuksa 2 students at Kantharalak Wittaya School who studied Bat Dancing Skills in Krabi Krabong course in the 1st semester of the academic year 2023. The 20 participants were selected by purposive sampling method. The research results revealed that after using the 12-square grid exercise to promote batting skills number 1 (Fencing skills, left-right) have an average score after studying gif.latex?\bar{x} = 7.29 and S.D. = 0.918 higher than the average score before studying which has an average score gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.85 and S.D. = 0.654 batting skills number 2 (Fencing skills, left-right bottom left-right) Average score after studying gif.latex?\bar{x} = 8.59 and S.D. = 0.795 Higher than the average score before studying, which had an average score gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.65 and S.D. = 0.638 from the analysis it was found that 12-square grid exercise the Krabi Krabong course using a 12-square grid practice for Mattayomsuksa 2 students at Kantharalak Wittaya School, after using a 12-square grid exercise. after studying was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level.

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