Teaching and Learning Management for Developing Professional Skills of Ballet Dancers: A Study of the Learning Process and Teaching and Learning Conditions of Bangkok City Ballet

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Natchaporn Somrasawan
Dharakorn Chandnasaro
Ruksiney Acalasawamak


The purposes of this research article are 1) to study the components of teaching and learning to develop professional skills of domestic ballet dancers of Bangkok City Ballet 2) to analyze the process of organizing learning to develop professional skills of ballet dancers in the country. Domestic ballet dancer of Bangkok City Ballet Use the adult learning concept of Malcolm Knowles as the basis for education. Qualitative methodology By studying information from documents and collecting field data. by means of participatory observation In-depth interviews using structured questions with a total of 16 people involved with Bangkok City Ballet, including 1 ballet director, 5 ballet teachers, and troupe dancers. 11 ballets by purposive selection Then the information obtained is analyzed and synthesized. The results of the study found that 1. Components of teaching and learning to develop professional skills of ballet dancers. There are 6 important components that affect learning management: 1) the curriculum, 2) the teaching and learning aspect, 3) the teacher, 4) the learner, 5) the teaching and learning atmosphere, and 6) the measurement aspect. and evaluation 2. Regarding the learning management process to develop professional skills of ballet dancers, it was found that there were steps including 1) creating a learning atmosphere that promotes learning 2) arranging a structure for joint planning with students. 3) analysis of student learning needs, 4) orientation of learning objectives, 5) design of learning experiences, 6) implementation of learning experiences, and 7) Evaluation and analysis of new learning needs.

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