The Development of the Curriculum Supervision Process Focusing on Lifelong Learning Skills under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 for Transferring Learning Outcomes in the University Credit Banking System

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Polpipat Wattanasettanukul
Jeranun Tumrongwisawa
Anansak Pupolpan
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong


This study aimed to 1) identify the needs for supervising a curriculum focusing on lifelong learning skills under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2 for transferring learning outcomes in the university credit banking system, 2) develop the curriculum supervision process, and 3) evaluate the curriculum supervision process. The three sample groups consisted of 226 members of the curriculum and academic administration committee under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2, selected using a multi-stage sampling method. Nine informants and seven experts were also purposively selected for in-depth interviews. Questionnaires, interviews, and assessments were used as the research tools. Data were analyzed using average values, standard deviation, priority needs index (PNImodified) and content analysis. The study found that 1) The greatest need for curriculum supervision was the measurement and evaluation of school learning outcomes transferable to the university credit banking system, 2) The developed curriculum supervision process consists of five steps: (1) Supervision planning such as designing a curriculum that aligns with the university's learning outcomes for students (2) Supervising operations such as training teachers through a curriculum specifically designed to create leading teachers (3) Monitoring and evaluating supervision such as using a supervision monitoring form and surveying satisfaction levels with supervision (4) Reflecting and improving supervision for the next cycle and (5) Replicating and disseminating innovations, and 3) The highest evaluation results of the curriculum supervision process were in the area of ​​utilization.

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Research Articles
Author Biography

Sirinthorn Sinjindawong, Graduate Collage of Manager Sripatum University

สิรินธร สินจินดาวงศ์
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong, Ph.D.

ผู้อำนวยการศูนย์สนับสนุนและพัฒนาการเรียนการสอน มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม
Director, Teaching and Learning Support and Development Center, Sripatum University


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