The Biological Fantasy in Poetic Tale ‘Phra Abhai Mani’
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This article aims to present the biological imagination of Sunthorn Phu that appears in the poetic tale Phra Abhai Mani. The study was conducted from the time Phra Abhai Manee and Sri Suwan studied until the three kings were ordained. The study reveals Sunthorn Phu's creative imagination, which is partly related to biology. They can be divided into 3 groups: Group 1: imagination about technology related to biology, Group 2: imagination about living things, and Group 3: imagination about magical things that reflect knowledge and ideas about how to view the world and life, understanding of nature and imagination about things related to the biology of the author. When analyzing knowledge related to biology, it was found that it was related to plants (characteristics of monocotyledons), audiovisual equipment (devices that expand the ability to see, such as telescopes, microscopy), genetic inheritance, biotechnology’ genetic engineering, crossbreeding, morphology, nutrients (vitamins/minerals) and nervous system function. It also shows the importance of Thai literature that will help strengthen the imagination. Leads to the development of creativity for readers, and continue to create new innovations in science and technology.
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