The Role of Xiaomi Electronic Products in Driving China's Soft Power

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Teeraphat Sarachan
Sutthikan Watthanaphokhayakit
Sirinan Phuenthong
Nang Ying Htaung


The following research aims to study the role and significance of China's soft power initiatives, focusing on the strategies used to promote Xiaomi's electronic products and China's overall soft power efforts. This research employs a document-based research methods, analyzing 24 articles from academic journals, related research papers, and credible online sources. The data was gathered from electronic books. Subsequently, analyzed data by classification methods to identify relationships among different data sets, and summarize the findings. The research results reveal that, despite Chinese companies receiving support from the government through various policies, this support constitutes only a part of the broader initiative to promote development. From studying the role and importance of Xiaomi as a company and brand, it is evident that competitive strategies play a crucial role in driving business forward. Xiaomi has effectively utilized appropriate and efficient strategies, particularly in establishing a presence in the e-commerce world. Although the Xiaomi company has taken a short period of time to grow, but Xiaomi could become a key factor in driving China’s soft power through electronic technology. The growth of Xiaomi not only reflects rapid development in marketing but also helps to build good business relations between China and other countries which also improves China’s image. Xiaomi products also meet the company's needs and the demands of the global market both within and outside the country.

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Research Articles


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