The management of the Local Wisdom Repository System at the Uttaradit Provincial Office for Learning Encouragement
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The purpose of this research was to study the following: (1) the problems/issues in utilizing local wisdom; (2) the Creation of a local wisdom repository system; and (3) the evaluation of the appropriateness of the local wisdom repository system at the Uttaradit Provincial Office for Learning Encouragement. The study population included teachers of the Sub-district Education Department, totaling 67 individuals from 67 sub-districts across all 9 districts of Uttaradit Province. The research utilized surveys and suitability assessments as tools, and the data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results revealed that the primary issue with using local wisdom at the Uttaradit Provincial Office for Learning Encouragement at the highest level (μ=4.10) was related to performance knowledge, followed (μ=4.08) by utilization, and with the least (μ=3.92) difficulty in storage/resource management. In terms of creating a local wisdom storage system, it was found that there were 67 local wisdom repository data, categorized into 8 areas as follows: 5 in medicine and public health, 2 in agriculture, 1 in social development, 1 in politics and administration, 7 in art, culture and tradition, 4 in commerce and services, 39 in industry and handicrafts, and 1 in language and literature. Overall, the appropriateness of the local wisdom repository system was considered highly appropriate.
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