Impacts, Adaptation, Credit Business Management, and Factors Affecting Decision to Use Credit Services of Agricultural Cooperatives Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Huai Rat Agricultural Cooperative Limited
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This research aimed to 1) investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the credit transactions of Huai Rat Agricultural Cooperative Limited, 2) analyze the adaptation and management of the credit business during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 3) examine the factors affecting the decision to use credit services and the repayment capacity of the cooperative members. The sample group consists of 291 members of the Huai Rat Agricultural Coperative Limited selected using convenience sampling, with the sample size determined according to Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) guidelines. The data were collected using a closed-ended questionnaire with a reliability of 0.89 and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings were as follows: 1) The impact of COVID-19 on credit transactions was at a high level, with increased credit risk ranked first, followed by increased credit demand and decreased repayment capacity. 2) The adaptation and management of the credit business were at a high level, with debt suspension ranked first, followed by new credit products and enhanced risk management measures. 3) Factors affecting the decision to use credit services and repayment capacity were at a high level, with assurance to members ranked the highest, followed by reliability and service quality. Repayment capacity was at a high level, with repayment capacity ranked first, followed by external factors and repayment history.
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