Development Indicators Instructional Competency of Teachers in Multi-Ethnic Classrooms
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The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors and indicators of teaching competency of teacher in ethnic diversity classroom. It would provide the students characteristics of acceptance of multicultural, respect the right of others and cohabitation in a multicultural society of 3 groups were 1) text book, research, and 20 related articles using purposive sampling to analyze the indicators of teaching competency. 2) 9 Lecturers from Chiang Mai University and Chiang Mai Rajabhat University who are interested in teaching and learning about ethnic group, by using purposive sampling. 3) 900 students in ethnic diversity classrooms from secondary schools in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Tak by using stratified random sampling method. This group of sample was use for exploratory factor analysis of teaching competency in ethnic diversity classrooms. The research tools were 1) teaching behavior analysis form 2) the questionnaire on suitability indicators of teacher behavior and 3) the questionnaire on teaching behavior in ethnic diversity classroom. Data was analyzed using content analysis, average, standard deviation and exploratory factor analysis (EFA).
The results of the study showed that the 4 factors of teaching competency in ethnic diversity classroom were 1) ethnic student rights respecting 2) teaching technique in ethnic diversity classroom 3) the creation of identity and 4) understanding ethnic student. The indicators of teaching behavior consist of 35 items which describe the characteristic of each factor.
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