Technical Efficiency of Rubber Tree Planting in Risk Area: Case Study Plantation in Southern
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This research aims to study 1) To study of technical efficiency with secondary data and 2) To study some factors effect on having technical efficiency of rubber in southern landslide from 2007-2015 : Songkhla, Surat Thani, and Nakhon Si Thammarat. Data analysis for technical efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This study were tested for the optimal production function using the Wald Test and Translog function that value estimated by using Production Frontier. The tests is used for searching some factors related to technical efficiency of production by using the Maximum-Likelihood Estimation. The finding showed, It had coefficient of 3 provinces rubber tree planting area (β2) at 0.317, 0.348, 0.262 and also unidirectional inverse with production. While other costs (β9) fertilizer and insecticide had opposite inverse with production. The relating technical inefficient factors were found that temperature (Z1) and rainfall (Z2) were statistically significant at the 90 confidence level. The temperature (Z1) was minus value (δ1), which showed the decreased inefficiency. In addition, the finding analysis of technical efficiency of rubber tree planting with DEA per province showed at 0.822, 0.890, and 0.843 respectively.
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