การศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความครอบคลุมทางสังคมของอาสาสมัครสาธารณะ ในชุมชนชนบท ในเขตพื้นที่อำเภอเมืองหนองคาย จังหวัดหนองคาย

A Study of Factors Influencing the Social Inclusion of Public Volunteers in Rural Communities in Nong Khai District, Nong Khai Province


  • อภิรดี วงศ์ศิริ Khon Kaen University-Nong Khai Campus


การครอบคลุมทางสังคม, อาสาสมัครสาธารณะ, ชุมชนชนบท


This study aims to identify factors influencing public volunteers' social inclusion in rural communities in Nong Khai District, Nong Khai Province. The quantitative method was used for the data collection, and a unit of analysis was at the individual level. The stratified sampling technique was conducted, and the 305 samples were included in this study. The data was collected through an interview schedule. The descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The descriptive statistics were employed to describe the characteristics of samples. Besides, the inferential statistics, which consisted of multiple linear regression and correlation analysis, were used to analyze factors influencing public volunteers' social inclusion. The findings indicate that independent variables influenced public volunteers' social inclusion in the positive directions with the lower correlation coefficients. These independent variables included 1) social trust, 2) being a part of the community, 3) promoting the creation of various groups in the community,    4) promoting public participation in the community, and 5) social networks. In addition, being a part of the community was the most influential factor, while the least influential factor was social networks to public volunteers' social inclusion.

Keywords: Social inclusion, public volunteers, rural community


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How to Cite

วงศ์ศิริ อ. . (2020). การศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลต่อความครอบคลุมทางสังคมของอาสาสมัครสาธารณะ ในชุมชนชนบท ในเขตพื้นที่อำเภอเมืองหนองคาย จังหวัดหนองคาย : A Study of Factors Influencing the Social Inclusion of Public Volunteers in Rural Communities in Nong Khai District, Nong Khai Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(2), 19–37. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/216375


