การปลูกฝังพฤติกรรมลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนในครัวเรือนคนเมืองอีสาน กรณีศึกษาเทศบาลนครขอนแก่น

Carbon Emission Reduction Behaviors Cultivation of the Thai-Isan Urban Households: the Case Study of Khon Kaen Municipality


  • ธนพฤกษ์ ชามะรัตน์ Khon Kaen University
  • Edwin B.P. De Jong
  • Luuk W.J. Knippenberg


Carbon Emission Reduction, Urban People Behaviors, Thai-Isan Urban Households



Much literature shows that one-third of the population lives in urban areas released about 71–76% of the global carbon emission in the last few years. Thus, behaviors on reducing carbon emission are crucial for global conservation and including the Isan region, Thailand. This study focuses on an investigation on carbon emission reduction cultivated behaviors of Isan city dwellers. Using a qualitative study, we conducted 24 in-depth interviews of 4 communities in Khon Kaen city, Thailand. We use a purposive sample for data collection in 2018. Data analyses were analyzed for content analysis, which was organized by the ATLAS.ti software program. The results show that carbon emission reduction behaviors of Isan city households were influenced and cultivated by the recycling practices and waste management. As the low carbon city initiative involved household practices, these are in particular on waste recycling from the onset and organic waste disposal. Moreover, we found that the community networks can promote the best community practices, and waste management activities that meet a transition to a sustainable low carbon society. Therefore, government agencies should be in the position of facilitators, not being a key player in the community network. In addition, social networks should be empowered by connecting collaboration and joint planning to increase efficiency in a low-carbon city. At the same time, the Thai government should continue to promote a policy of waste recycling, waste management, and the improvement of quality of life in order to move towards a sustainable low-carbon society.


Keywords: Carbon emission reduction, urban people behaviors, Thai-Isan urban households


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How to Cite

ชามะรัตน์ ธ. . ., Edwin B.P. De Jong, & Luuk W.J. Knippenberg. (2020). การปลูกฝังพฤติกรรมลดการปล่อยก๊าซคาร์บอนในครัวเรือนคนเมืองอีสาน กรณีศึกษาเทศบาลนครขอนแก่น: Carbon Emission Reduction Behaviors Cultivation of the Thai-Isan Urban Households: the Case Study of Khon Kaen Municipality . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSOKKU), 37(3), 104–131. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO/article/view/240677


