การปิดการขายในระหว่างการมีปฏิสัมพันธ์ทางสังคมระหว่างพนักงานขาย และลูกค้าในธุรกิจเครื่องสำอาง (Sales Closing in Social Interaction between Sales Persons and Customers in the Cosmetics Business)


  • ไพโรจน์ วิไลนุช (Pairote Wilainuch) School of Communication Arts, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Sales Closing, Social Interaction, Personal Selling, Communication, Cosmetics Business, Conversation Analysis


This research article aims to report how sales closing in actual selling was conducted. This study applied a hybrid methodology – Ethnographic Conversation Analysis to analyze talk    between sales persons and customers in the context of the cosmetics business. Data were collected by video and audio recording. In this article, two cases were analyzed. In the first case, a sales person used both verbal and non-verbal communication in closing the sale. He also had to move towards everywhere his customer appeared, and wait for an appropriate time for sales closing. He gave the customer an opportunity to close the sale. In the second case, a sales person used the technique of telling bad news and good news to close the sale. The good news was the fact that the customer was offered another alternative to close the sale.  






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