A short video on the culture of the Tanka families in Guangxi, China, in the context of cultural tourism integration


  • Gengliang Liang Mahasarakham University
  • Prathabjai Suwanthada Mahasarakham University


cultural tourism integration, Guangxi Beihai, Tanka culture, short video, intangible cultural heritage


This research is a qualitative study, which aims to: 1) analyze the characteristics of Beihai Tanka culture and its intangible cultural heritage in the context of cultural and tourism integration and collect data for making short videos; 2) produce several short promotional videos about Beihai boat-dwelling culture for tourism. The population and sample of this research were divided into four groups: 1) the group of boat-dwelling families living in Beihai; 2) the group of boat-dwelling culture museum staff; 3) the group of film and TV experts; and 4) the group of local and foreign tourists. The groups were selected through the purposive sampling method. The research tool used for data collection in this research was the short video platform data acquisition and questionnaire. The statistics used in the study were mean (x̄) and standard deviation (S.D.).

The research showed that Beihai Tanka culture is rich and colorful, with crucial cultural and tourism communication values. Beihai Tanka's cultural heritage is facing the threat of extinction in the current situation of social development. At the same time, short video promotion can effectively promote the tourism of Beihai Tanka culture to protect Beihai Tanka culture. The research also found that the past producers of short videos about Beihai Tanka culture were too commercialized, and they lacked a deep understanding of Tanka culture, distorted the authenticity of the culture, lacked professional production skills, and resulted in poor promotional effects. In this research practice, a program for extracting elements of Beihai Tanka culture and an integrated program for producing and promoting short videos about Tanka culture were designed. The design program was applied to have six groups of short videos and a compilation video of multiple short videos. By analyzing the feedback data from the audience on the short video platform, it was confirmed that the two programs in the conclusion could effectively improve the efficiency of Tanka culture in tourism communication.






บทความวิจัย (Research article)