A study and development of facilities and environment in tourism at mahasawat community, Nakornpathom

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Soraj Pruettikomon


This research focuses on the development of an area design using the principles of universal design, specifically tailored for the Khlong Mahasawat community. The Khlong Mahasawat community is a major tourist attraction located in the Nakhon Pathom Province. Within this community, the area of Wat Suwanram and Ban Sala Din Floating Market has been selected to cater to the needs of the elderly and disabled individuals. This research aims to design tourist attractions within the two communities that are easy for primarily older and disabled people to use, convenient, safe, and accident-free. Based on the corrected information, it has been discovered that there have been accidents within the community, prompting the need for improvements in six crucial areas. These areas include the pier, restrooms, pathway, car park, information signs, and bicycle parking spots. Additionally, it is essential to enhance facilities for people with disabilities, such as wheelchairs. Based on the data collection, it has been found that the pontoon, which serves as the boarding and disembarking point for boats, is the location where the highest number of accidents occur, although they are not the most severe incidents. The second most common accident spot is along sidewalks, where varying levels pose difficulties for pedestrians. Therefore, researchers have identified these problematic areas as targets for design and development, utilizing universal design principles. The proposed areas have been mapped out and budget estimates have been made for ease of management. The pier is renovated to prevent slipping incidents, and its level is adjusted according to the water level. Handrails, guardrails, and walking paths have been adjusted to ensure their suitability. The floor has been smoothly levelled, and paths and bike lanes have been created. Signage has been installed to accommodate individuals with various disabilities, including specific signs designed for people with visual impairments. The construction cost for both locations does not exceed three million baht.


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