(RETRACTED ARTICLE) Design of Symbolic Referees For Muslim Culture Promote Tourism in Three Southern Border Provinces, Thailand

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สืบศิริ แซ่ลี้


This study aims to: 1) explore and analyze an origin of the Muslim cultural Symbolic in the three
Southern Border Provinces; and 2) create the meaningful signs to promote the positive image of the three
southern provinces. The guide to this study conducting an in-depth interview with the participants who
Symbolic, the cultural and design specialists, the professionals in the related fields, and the villagers within
the three Southern Border Provinces (Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat) in order to collect data on their race,
lifestyle, occupation, art and culture, and local wisdom. This data was purposively used to confirm the
effectiveness of the signs regarding design and functionality in which comments and suggestions were
granted for further development and kept as the reference for those who are interested in the cultural
Symbolic design that represents the Muslim culture in the three Southern Border Provinces. Namely, this
study finally proposes a set of the cultural tourism signs: 1) decorative sign and printed media; 2)
advertisement sign; 3) packaging; 4) logo; and 5) consumer products that were designed to be attractive and
applicable for the locations and simply understandable for the tourists. In conclusion, this study suggests
that the designing of the Symbolic consists of fonts, shape, color, sample of printed media and
advertisement, and product and package

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