Positive Space : Intermediry Space Between Humans Architecture And Context

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นรเทพ นฤทุม


Architectural spaces can be divided into two categories according to intention of use. The first one
is a ‘positive space’, which is the space that has been planned, served as functional space and has a clear
boundary. The second one is a ‘negative space’, which is extendable space and does not serve as any
specific functional space, has no clear boundary either in natural environment or uncontrollable context.
However, there is another category of space, which acts as an intermediary space between the two
categories mentioned above. It is a space that allows both types of space link to each other, causing a
connection between‘positive space’and ‘negative space’; this kind of space can be called ‘positive/negative
space’ ‘Positive/negative space’ was firstly mentioned by Japanese architect Yoshinobu Ashihara and it was
published on his book ‘Exterior Design in Architecture’ in 1971. Unfortunately, his notion has not been
widely disseminated. This article is intended to provide an overview of ‘positive/negative space’ as well as
the various architectural spaces which related to illustrate the provenance, conditions, functions and
benefits of ‘positive/negative space’ ‘Positive/negative space’ is an interstitial space between interior space
and nature causing a connection between humans and environment

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